Our Mission:
Our mission is is to get young adults into careers they like, faster. In 2021 53% of Americans quit their job for a career change, we want to reduce that number to 0.
Who are we?
The Gap Year aims to change how people go about deciding on a career. People in the US often end up in careers that they don’t really like, often you will hear that students are forced to pick a career too early, and that causes them to make choices that aren’t suited for them. We disagree. We think that it isn’t time that gives people what they need to make decisions, it’s information. We aim to not inform by tellings, but inform by doing. By doing a series of internships students are able to learn far more about themselves and the work environment they are interested in than if they were just given a presentation. Giving students this type of information before their junior or senior year of college allows them to make informed decisions about what major they pick, and what career they go on to do. We believe everyone deserves a job they love, and everyone is capable of having a job they love, we exist to help find what that job is earlier.
Our Core Values
Fight For It
It’s our mantra. Things will not just fall into your lap and come to. We don’t believe in throwing things into the universe and hoping for the best. We believe that the best things in life are fought for.
Be a problem solver, find answers, find solutions. It all falls under doing what you can with what you have. We believe the world is full of resources, and we believe in using them to their fullest potential.
Ask questions, dig deep, look harder for longer. We believe everyone and everything has a story, and those stories are worth hearing, but you’ll only hear them if you’re curious enough to ask.